Monday, January 19, 2009

Why ?

Why do I forget so quickly?
Why do I forgive so easily ?
It was just yesterday that I was MAD at her, furiously,
I thought this is IT.
But today, I long for her,
The warmth of her body,
The cheerfulness of her smile.
And then the conflict within myself.
The ego as tall as a man can be,
Won't let me make a move.
Thus I shall go away..
Go away so far, that sky is the only thing I see.
Emptiness, the only thing I feel.

Being With her

I enjoy being with her.
'enjoy' infact must be an understatement.
Being with her, brings happiness to me,
happiness that is unprecedented.
Not that I said my life was a bed of roses.
I want to travel far, very far, with her,
Like a gipsy.
I want to speak nothing, feel nothing at all,
but her love taking over my soul.
All this that I have already felt,
I want to feel all over again.
Feel it for real.
I want to walk over the short grass, with her,
Under the clear blue sky,
Walk bare feet and feel both,
the chill of the cold grass and
the warmth of her hand in mine.
I want the summer winds to bathe our bodies,
as we walk choosing the path from other one's feet,
each knowing without doubt,
that this day is going to last,
I want to do it all over again.
This time for real.